- Elevation Gold Mining (OTCQB:EVGDF) has announced that it has produced 6,380 ounces of gold from 696,373 ore tonnes processed with average grades of 0.35 g/t during Q2 2024.
- The Co. sold 7,070 ounces of gold during Q2 2024, an increase of 3% compared to Q2 2023.
- The most recently completed bench at Reynolds Pit (the 6th full bench there) contained ore with an average grade of 0.38 g/t at a stripping ratio of 0.94 tonnes of waste for each tonne of ore.
- Overall, the Co.’s stripping ratio improved dramatically for the quarter (reduced by 22% compared to Q2 2023) and YTD (reduced by 23% vs. same period last year).
- The Co. expects to file its Q2 2024 financial statements and management discussion and analysis in August 2024.