
This post is co-written with Vladimir Turzhitsky, Varun Kumar Nomula and Yezhou Sun from MSD. Generative AI is transforming the way healthcare organizations interact with their data. Large language models (LLMs) can help uncover insights from structured data such as a relational database management system (RDBMS) by generating complex SQLContinue Reading

Today, physicians spend about 49% of their workday documenting clinical visits, which impacts physician productivity and patient care. Did you know that for every eight hours that office-based physicians have scheduled with patients, they spend more than five hours in the EHR? As a consequence, healthcare practitioners exhibit a pronouncedContinue Reading

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) provides an opportunity for improvements in healthcare by combining and analyzing structured and unstructured data across previously disconnected silos. Generative AI can help raise the bar on efficiency and effectiveness across the full scope of healthcare delivery. The healthcare industry generates and collects a significant amountContinue Reading