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This post is co-written with Bar Fingerman from BRIA AI. This post explains how BRIA AI trained BRIA AI 2.0, a high-resolution (1024×1024) text-to-image diffusion model, on a dataset comprising petabytes of licensed images quickly and economically. Amazon SageMaker training jobs and Amazon SageMaker distributed training libraries took on the undifferentiatedContinue Reading

hapabapa OpenAI, the generative artificial intelligence startup backed by Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), announced a content deal with news outlet Time to use its 101-year-old archive to train the former’s AI models. As part of the deal, which terms were not disclosed, OpenAI gets access to current and historic content from Time’sContinue Reading

Name entity recognition (NER) is the process of extracting information of interest, called entities, from structured or unstructured text. Manually identifying all mentions of specific types of information in documents is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive. Some examples include extracting players and positions in an NFL game summary, products mentioned inContinue Reading