
Kenneth Cheung OpenAI whistleblowers have asked the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to “immediately approve” an investigation into the artificial intelligence (AI) startup’s prior non-disclosure agreements with its employees, the Washington Post reported on Saturday, citing a seven-page letter it obtained. The whistleblowers have also alleged that OpenAI, whichContinue Reading

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is apparently receiving an observer role position on OpenAI’s board of directors, according to a report Tuesday afternoon by Bloomberg, which cited anonymous sources close to the situation. The position is going to Phil Schiller, a 30-year Apple veteran who currently leads the AppContinue Reading

hapabapa Microsoft’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) multi-billion dollar investment into generative artificial intelligence company OpenAI may face additional scrutiny from the European Union’s antitrust chief over its use of Microsoft’s cloud technology, Bloomberg reported. Microsoft shares were fractionally higher in on Friday. Margrethe Vestager, the Executive Vice President of the European Commission, isContinue Reading

hapabapa OpenAI, the generative artificial intelligence startup backed by Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), announced a content deal with news outlet Time to use its 101-year-old archive to train the former’s AI models. As part of the deal, which terms were not disclosed, OpenAI gets access to current and historic content from Time’sContinue Reading