
As generative artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize every industry, the importance of effective prompt optimization through prompt engineering techniques has become key to efficiently balancing the quality of outputs, response time, and costs. Prompt engineering refers to the practice of crafting and optimizing inputs to the models by selectingContinue Reading

With the rapid growth of generative artificial intelligence (AI), many AWS customers are looking to take advantage of publicly available foundation models (FMs) and technologies. This includes Meta Llama 3, Meta’s publicly available large language model (LLM). The partnership between Meta and Amazon signifies collective generative AI innovation, and MetaContinue Reading

Despite the ability of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to mimic human behavior, it often requires detailed instructions to generate high-quality and relevant content. Prompt engineering is the process of crafting these inputs, called prompts, that guide foundation models (FMs) and large language models (LLMs) to produce desired outputs. Prompt templatesContinue Reading

The proliferation of large language models (LLMs) in enterprise IT environments presents new challenges and opportunities in security, responsible artificial intelligence (AI), privacy, and prompt engineering. The risks associated with LLM use, such as biased outputs, privacy breaches, and security vulnerabilities, must be mitigated. To address these challenges, organizations mustContinue Reading

Today, we’re excited to introduce two powerful new features for Amazon Bedrock: Prompt Management and Prompt Flows, in public preview. These features are designed to accelerate the development, testing, and deployment of generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications, enabling developers and business users to create more efficient and effective solutions thatContinue Reading

You have likely already had the opportunity to interact with generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools (such as virtual assistants and chatbot applications) and noticed that you don’t always get the answer you are looking for, and that achieving it may not be straightforward. Large language models (LLMs), the models behindContinue Reading

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, travel companies are exploring innovative approaches to enhance customer experiences. One promising solution is the integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI) to create virtual travel agents. These AI-powered assistants use large language models (LLMs) to engage in natural language conversations, providing personalized recommendations, answeringContinue Reading