
Large language models (LLMs) have remarkable capabilities. Nevertheless, using them in customer-facing applications often requires tailoring their responses to align with your organization’s values and brand identity. In this post, we demonstrate how to use direct preference optimization (DPO), a technique that allows you to fine-tune an LLM with humanContinue Reading

Harnessing the power of big data has become increasingly critical for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge. From deriving insights to powering generative artificial intelligence (AI)-driven applications, the ability to efficiently process and analyze large datasets is a vital capability. However, managing the complex infrastructure required for big dataContinue Reading

Amazon SageMaker Studio provides a comprehensive suite of fully managed integrated development environments (IDEs) for machine learning (ML), including JupyterLab, Code Editor (based on Code-OSS), and RStudio. It supports all stages of ML development—from data preparation to deployment, and allows you to launch a preconfigured JupyterLab IDE for efficient codingContinue Reading